Pest Control and Cleaning

We, Al-Sayyad Pest Control and Cleaning Establishment are pleased and honored to present you with an overview of our organization, as it is an institution specialized in pest control, and it always strives to provide its best, whose motto is honesty and loyalty.

We eliminate disease-carrying insects such as malaria mosquitoes, dengue mosquitoes, cockroaches (German, American, and oriental), house flies, sand flies, and termites.

It should be noted that Al Sayyad Corporation applies the latest technological methods to control pests in all inhabited facilities under construction that need preventive treatment against termite pests, and this is our pride.

And because our goal is to eliminate disease-carrying pests and maintain and protect the safety of the environment, we have been keen to use materials suitable for public health, as they are harmless to humans and the environment, colorless and odorless, and highly efficient and effective to combat pests of all kinds.

The materials used in the proposed control program by the Abu Dhabi Authority, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the World Health Organization have been subjected to standards and metrology, following the rules and regulations - we are honored to offer an integrated program to control pests of all kinds to protect you and your organization, your home, and your family.

To satisfy our customers, Al-Sayyad Company offers:

✅ Annual contracts for restaurants, villas, and homes.

✅Protect your family from the danger of bacteria caused by insects.

✅ Conduct a comprehensive examination of all parts of the house.

✅Best service for controlling termites, bugs, scorpions, cockroaches, lizards, etc.

✅ Get rid of gardens and farm insects.

✅ Annual contracts for commercial, industrial, and residential facilities.

We will be happy to receive your calls and messages via WhatsApp.



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